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    Neurological Examination Video


    عدد المساهمات : 145
    تاريخ التسجيل : 13/10/2010

    google px 10 Neurological Examination Video

    مُساهمة من طرف حنان الثلاثاء نوفمبر 09, 2010 12:15 am

    Neurological Examination Video


    Neurological examination Video

    1. Introduction
    2. General Exam
    3. Mental Status Introduction
    Level of *****ness, Attention & Cooperation
    4. Attention
    5. Orientation
    6. Recent Memory
    7. Remote Memory
    8. Spontaneous Speech
    9. Comprehension
    10. Naming
    11. Repetition
    12. Reading and Writing
    Calculations, Right-Left Confusion, Finger Agnosia, Agraphia
    13. Calculations
    14. Right Ear Left Thumb
    15. Praxis
    Neglect & Constructions
    16. Neglect Drawing Tests
    17. Copy Drawing
    Sequencing Tasks & Frontal Release Signs
    18. Grasp Reflex
    19. Manual Alternating Sequence Task
    20. Written Alternating Sequence Task
    21. Auditory Go-No-Go
    Logic & Abstraction
    22. Analogies, Logic
    Delusions & Hallucinations
    23. Psychiatry
    Olfaction (CN I)
    24. Olfaction
    Ophthalmoscopic Exam (CN II)
    25. Ophthalmoscopic Exam
    Vision (CN II)
    26. Red Desaturation
    27. Visual Fields
    28. Blink to Threat
    Pupillary Responses (CN II, III)
    29. Pupil Light Reflex
    30. Swinging Flashlight
    31. Accomodation
    Extraocular Movements (CN III, IV, VI)
    32. Smooth Pursuit
    33. Saccades
    34. OKNs
    35. Oculocephalic Testing
    Facial Sensation and Muscles of Mastication (CN V)
    36. Facial Sensation
    37. Corneal Reflex
    38. Masseter
    39. Jaw Jerk Reflex
    Muscles of Facial Expression and Taste (CN VII)
    40. Facial Muscles
    41. Taste
    Hearing and Vestibular Sense (CN VIII)
    42. Hearing
    43. Positional Vertigo Test
    Palate Elevation and Gag Reflex (CN IX, X)
    44. Palate Elevation
    Muscles of Articulation (CN V, VII, IX, X, XII)
    45. Articulation
    Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius Muscles (CN XI)
    46. CN XI Testing
    Tongue Muscles (CN XII)
    47. Tongue Protrusion
    48. Atrophy? Fasciculations
    Muscle tone
    49. Upper Extremity Tone
    50. Lower Extremity Tone
    Functional testing
    51. Drift
    52. Rapid Hand Movements
    53. Rapid Foot Tapping
    Strength of individual muscle groups
    54. Upper Extremity Strength
    55. Detailed Hand Test
    56. Lower Extremity Strength
    57. Foot Eversion, Inversion

    Deep Tendon Reflexes
    58. Deep Tendon Reflexes
    Plantar Response
    59. Plantar Response
    Finger Flexors
    60. Finger Flexors
    Reflexes Tested in Special Situations
    61. Special Reflexes
    Appendicular Coordination
    62. Rapid Alternating Movements
    63. Precision Finger Tap
    64. Finger-Nose-Finger
    65. Heel-Shin
    66. Overshoot
    Romberg test
    67. Romberg Test
    68. Ordinary Gait, Tandem Gait
    69. Forced Gait
    Primary sensation — asymmetry, sensory level
    70. Pin Prick
    71. Temperature
    72. Vibration Sense
    73. Joint Position Sense
    74. Two-Point Discrimination
    Cortical sensation, including extinction
    75. Graphesthesia
    76. Stereognosis
    77. Tactile Extinction

    المصدر: منتديات ارسمك حلم |ارسمك حلم | 7lm - من قسم: Medical Software - Medical Books - Medical Videos

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