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    البدلة الفضائية Thera suit


    عدد المساهمات : 485
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/08/2010

    google px 6 البدلة الفضائية Thera suit

    مُساهمة من طرف سمسم الثلاثاء فبراير 22, 2011 12:40 pm



    * Space age invention that originated in Russia to counteract the negative effects (muscle atrophies, osteoporosis) that the astronauts experienced (lack of gravity) during their long trips in space
    * In the 1990s the suit was used on children with neuromuscular disorders
    * In 1997 the suit was introduced to American children
    * In 2002 the TheraSuit was designed and registered with the FDA

    Combines an individualized intensive strengthening program for children with Cerebral Palsy utilizing the Thera Suit & Universal Exercise Unit
    - Combats the effects of deconditioning & immobilization
    - Realizes that standardized therapy approaches are less effective
    - Based on the principles of Intensive Therapy and Strength Training
    - Trains the disabled child’s body like that of a non disabled child
    - New approach in which the Physical Therapy field is learning from the Health & Fitness field
    - Structured program that enhances the growth & development of the individual


    * Normalize the child’s muscle tone
    * Increase active range of motion
    * Increase strength & endurance
    * Control over newly strengthened muscle groups allowing children to improve their functional skills working towards independence

    TheraSuit is a soft, proprioceptive, dynamic orthosis consisting of a cap, vest, shorts, knee pads, & shoe attachments that are connected to each other through a system of elastic bands. It is a safe, effective tool that we use combined with our intensive exercise program to accelerate the child’s progress.

    * Improves proprioception
    * Reduce pathological reflexes
    * Restore proper patterns of movement & posture
    * Provides external stabilization and supports weak muscles
    * Corrects body alignment
    * Influences vestibular system
    * Stimulates the brain to re-train Central Nervous System
    * Provides tactile and sensory stimulation
    * Improves speech production and fluency
    * Loads the body with gravity type pressures
    * Accelerates the progress of newly learned movements & functional skills

    · Children with Cerebral Palsy
    · Stroke patients
    · Traumatic brain injuries
    · Spinal cord injuries
    · Neuromuscular disorders

    3 hours per day, 5 days a week, for 3 weeks

    - First week: working on tone reduction, decreasing pathological movement patterns, and increasing active proper movement
    patterns, & general strengthening

    - Second week: working on strengthening specific muscle groups responsible for the function

    - Third week: using the increased strength and endurance to improve the child’s level of function (sitting, crawling, walking)

    · Decreases pathological movement patterns
    · Increases strength and endurance
    · Increases muscle control & coordination
    · Increases functional activities (sitting, crawling, walking, etc)

    ABOUT THE THERASUIT LLC OWNERS - Richard and Izabela Koscielny
    · Parents of 2 daughters, Kaya 17-year-old with CP, and Maya 6-year-old
    · Both hold a Master’s degree as Physical Therapists from the Academy of Physical Education in Poland
    · Both have over 18 years experience with the special needs pediatric population
    · Both are Certified Fitness Trainers
    · Izabela is a Certified Yoga instructor for Special Children
    · Richard is a Physical Education Trainer
    · Both established Therasuit LLC Company in 2002, which sells their TheraSuit, Universal Exercise Unit as well as other special needs equipment.
    · In 2003 both created & published Cerebral Palsy Magazine
    · In 2003 both established the Pediatric Fitness Center offering Intensive Exercise Programs for individuals with Cerebral Palsy as well as training/education center for therapists who want to adopt this method.
    · In 2004 both helped to establish American Association of Intensive Pediatric Physical Therapy.
    Members of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

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